As one of the most active posters on here, many of you know I tell it straight without mincing words.
Last year I decided to get my course rigour up so I took 2 classes. They were inexpensive, organized and taught by Ivy League professors. I used the 6 college credits I earned to augment my academic narrative when applied to colleges. In my opinion, this just added to my 4.0 UWGPA and 99.9% percentile test scores and helped me get into the Columbia Class of 2025. I didn't know that admit rates would fall below 4% so I'm glad I did it.
If you are looking for an alternative way to take the most challenging coursework, this is one way I recommend doing it. If you bomb it, I believe the refund your tuition. And right now they are offering 0% interest so a class would cost about $23 a month on a pmt. plan. I'm not affiliated with them except that now I'm an alumnus of their program.
In this hyper-competitive environment, the more data points you submit that support your narrative the better. Good luck.
I know you've elaborated about this before, but could you please tell how you developed your academic narrative? I want to do the same since I'm interested in taking many different classes and such.
My academic pillars were taking about 10 AP classes, 24 credits of dual enrollment, 6 online college credits, and various courses for fun. eDx. has hundreds of courses that show evidence of intellectual vitality or curiosity for application readers but many of them are certificates rather than college credits. The important thing is that you show AOs your love of learning.
Thanks for the response and that's definitely my goal. Another question, but this one might be a bit off topic, but with all the credits you have, would you be graduating in 3 years? If so, sort of personal, but how does it feel to do so?
I feel that there is so much to learn at a place like Columbia University that 4 years is not enough time. Therefore, I'm looking forward to making the best use of my time there and not graduating early. Now, I only got into a large state college and felt that grad school was where I would thrive, then I'd like to get out as soon as possible. I think if you love your school you don't want to rush out of it. My honest answer.
Thanks again. This is how I feel if I were to get enough credits to skip a year. College just seems like too good of an experience to pass up.
Will this course show up on your transcript or anything. Also, why can't I just bomb it on purpose so that I get the education and keep my money
Only passing grades appear on the transcript you receive from the University of Pittsburgh that handles all the back-office operations of this online platform. I got a As so I'm happy to have an additional piece of paper to show when I applied to colleges. I never considered auditing the class for fun but I suppose you could do that.
thank you! This info is really helpful. I have been looking for legit online courses
Did you audit the course or did you participate normally?
I took 2 classes, got As and received an official transcript from the University of Pittsburgh that shows I earned the grades and 6 college credits. I personally wouldn't audit any college course because I'd like show that I did the work and passed the class.
How were the classes? I have never taken online college classes so are there assignments you have to turn in with clear due dates like normal school?
You actually don't take a class with other students, you just watch the lectures whenever you can start, pause, stop, re-start any lecture anytime. You do the problem sets online, and they grade you online. The tests are proctored with your computer camera so you can't cheat but you can take the test any hour of the day through the testing window. So they will tell you in advance, the midterm is in 2 weeks, and the test portal opens Friday at 12PM EST and Closes at 12PM Monday EST, something like that. For example with Psychology I had 10 professors' video sets to watch, some I liked better than others. But you don't have to watch everything, there is an overlap between professors. I found this kind of learning much easier than online HS classes which are zoom calls. There are no zoom calls.
This really feels like an ad...
Oh really, an ad? WOW
I agree, If Outlier contacted Cameron and asked her to advertise for them, I would lose all my respect for her but she doesn't need to post this so I find this very helpful Thanks!
Wait, @CameronBameron is a girl??😲
🙇♀️Gomenasai, I thought you were a guy.
You can also take classes at and either audit them for free or pay, either for individual class certificates or for access to all specialization courses. I personally audit a couple of courses on there just for fun. If anything, it could just show your love of learning!
There's also good info/classes on there that could help if you're struggling on writing you college essay. (plenty on essay writing, creative writing, word choice and order, etc.) I've taken those for free and they really have helped!
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