3 years ago
Admissions Advice

I've been trying to build my EC profile, but my school doesn't offer enough that stand out. Does anyone have tips?

I already participate in a few EC's at my school like NHS, beta club, Spanish club and cheer, but I just feel like that's not enough to really set myself apart, and the extracurriculars at my school are very limited. Does anyone know of any opportunities outside of school I can participate in?

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Totally get your concern with setting yourself apart and I am right there with you. I am not sure what is available in your town but I would start with looking into community service. If you are already in NHS, maybe doing more service projects and finding a way to run your own. One of my friends set up a project where we would grocery shop for at-risk community members so that they wouldn't have to leave their house. Places like humane societies and homeless shelters can always use extra help. In addition, a lot of counties and cities have teen or youth councils that you can get involved in, and my county has a web page that lists other community opportunities that you can pursue, so maybe research that for your county. I would recommend, assuming your school has one, reach out to your student council! My student council tends to know about everything that's happening in our community and that's where I go when I don't have something currently happening. Good luck!

3 years ago

Start a club! Is there something you’re passionate abt or interested in? Make a club about it!

3 years ago

don't restrict yourself to clubs in school! try to find unpaid internships, summer programs, things like that. community service is another great option. find a nonprofit that helps a cause youre really passionate about, and see if they have volunteer opportunities. if not, just email them, most of the time theyll love extra help. especially now lots of companies are looking for teens to manage their social media accounts (insta, tiktok, etc) so thats an option, too

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