3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Extracurricular activities

This fall I will be a Junior, and the only Extracurricular activity that I have are clubs. What are some Extracurricular activities I could take that good colleges take into consideration ??


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5 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Anything you like really, but it would be good if you can get something tangible out of it. They want to know more about you. They can get a sense of what matters to you from what you choose to do in your free time. For example my friend likes knitting so she decided to to something with it and instead of just knitting for fun she started making hats for child cancer patients. I like paper crafting so I found an organization that gives out handmade cards to hospital patients so I will start working on that.

Also I don't know why on here people tend to go on about spikes. From my understanding of what they say they want their profiles to revolve around the same thing. My counselors advised against this because colleges what to see a well rounded person which they don't usually get when people do that. High school should be a time to try new things, counselors with likely be able to tell if you only participate in activities because you think it will make you look better rather than because you genuinely like it and it's important to you.

3 years ago

You should probably do extracurriculars that would demonstrate your interest in the subject that you will apply to later on. For example, if you are thinking of doing medicine at university, you could create an online magazine that focuses on health sciences. Hope this helps!

3 years ago

No specific extracurricular is what colleges want. For example, if you're really interested in medicine you could join whatever club your school has for medicine. All you need to do is show through the clubs and extracurriculars you choose what you're specifically passionate about. For me, I'm in three different community service clubs and I love being active in my community and in the local government. Those extracurriculars help me show that.

3 years ago

internship opportunities in your interest, government internships, research projects, charity

3 years ago

doesn't have to be strictly academic! it canbe anything you love to do e.g. dancing, playing piano, coding. whatever. but stronger options are things that have a concrete outcome (e.g. you made an app all by yourself) or things like community service or unpaid internships. but ecs can literally be anything outside of school

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