4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Should I do duel enrollment my senior year of high school?

I am currently a sophomore in high school. I have a 4.0 GPA and I take all honors and AP Classes, as well as varsity tennis and clubs. I am really nervous for my freshman year of college because I know those classes are called "weed out" classes to get the kids that don't belong and can't keep up out. I am not the best at math, so I worry for taking the freshman core math classes in college. Should I do duel enrollment my senior year? This way I can take math while I still have the comfort of my family and friends to help me, and this way I don't have to do it freshman year of college. But is this the best option?

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

Weed out classes tend to be courses for STEM majors (most particularly engineering courses), but if you study enough for them and seek help when you need it (big mistake is not seeking help) from professors and tutors (even universities like UC Berkeley have peer tutoring), you should be fine.

Now about Dual Enrollment. Dual enrollment is a good option for you if you want to save money and don't want to take the class in college. Be aware though, that dual enrollment credits usually only transfer to public universities (think UC/CSU in California, UG or Georgia Tech in Georgia, UF/FSU in Florida). Big private schools like Harvard and Yale have policies against taking credits from dual enrollment credits. So be aware of that.

If you are planning to go to a public university, I'd say go for it.

4 years ago

i agree with everything @isaac has said but as an extra note, if you have the option to take a class as either AP or dual enrollment, the AP version is going to be looked at as more rigorous by most colleges, and more colleges will take a high AP exam score for credit than they will dual enrollment credits. E.g. big private schools like ivies, etc. will usually take 5s (and sometimes 4s) and let you place out of "weed out" courses, but won't accept dual enrollment credits for the same opportunities.

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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