Does that weigh against me when it comes to applying to the ivy schools?
No. If your school did offer those AP or IB courses and you chose not to take them then yes it would. However, if your school does have more challenging classes than you are taking it should be noted that it may count against you. For example, if you're taking all regular classes when your school offers honors courses then it will be held against you during the college application process because you can be taking more challenging classes.
The above is right, but if possible you could also try to take college courses at local colleges or try to self-study an AP, although ask your guidance counselor if that’s possible and how to help to make it happen. That way the admissions office can see that you tried your best to be as intellectually challenged as possible.
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Well my school only provides regular courses. I suppose I don't really have to worry about this aspect then. Thanks!