3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Why is my GPA 3.65?

I have all As and one B all year, (four classes per semester) that B being in a Gov & Econ Honors class. Should my GPA be higher than 3.65? I have a 100 in math.

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@lij12073 years ago

Are you a domestic student or is that a Canadian or other international school percentage?

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3 answers

3 years ago

If none of your classes are weighted then most schools would evaluate your grades as

4,4,4,4,3,4,4,4 or 31 points divided by 8 or 3.875. If 1 of your classes was weighted say honors or AP class then you would use 30 points divided by 8 or 3.75. If you had 2 weight classes then 29 points divided by 8 or 3.63 Unweighted GPA for the year.

This is all based on your 8 individual grades of 100, 99, 93, 94, 85, 92, 97 98.

Does this shed any light on why your UWGPA is not as high as you envisioned it to be?

3 years ago

No, It does not bring your GPA down to 3.65. Your GPA should be around 3.7 or 3.8. At least from what I'm understanding you have all As besides that one B. If you're saying that you have some A- in the mix then yes your GPA should be somewhere around 3.65.

3 years ago

A's and A+'s are 4.0 but an A- is 3.7. You may have some A-'s that brought your score to 3.7-3.8 and a normal B is a 3.0, B+ is a 3.3, and a B- is a 2.7. That's probably enough to bring it down to 3.65

Here is the college board chart - https://pages.collegeboard.org/how-to-convert-gpa-4.0-scale

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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