3 years ago
Admissions Advice

What are the benefits of going full IB (diploma) as opposed to taking all IB courses?

I'm currently full IB but I'm wondering if it's even worth it. It's very stressful, especially since I have to start college applications in the fall and have 2 jobs. Even if you aren't full IB, you can take all IB classes but don't have to do the EE, TOK, or CAS, which are all very time consuming. Is it really worth it to be full IB rather than just take all IB courses?


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1 answer

3 years ago

Hey fellow IB student here! Depends on why you want to take the classes. Without the diploma, IB classes are basically just AP classes, which can be useful if you want the credit, or if IB offers a class AP does not, but the IB diploma looks a lot better on college applications, as opposed to just classes. The diploma program is important as it is that part of the curriculum that helps develop you into a global citizen, and makes you prepared for college. Also, colleges look at the maximum rigor you can take at school, so dropping down could get noticed by colleges. It is up to you to decide if it is worth it though, taking into consideration mental health, time, colleges, etc.

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