3 years ago
Admissions Advice

What can I do to improve my essay writing?

I'm having a really hard time writing my essay since it's quite a challenge for me to keep it short and also make it sound good. I'm only allowed to use 250 words. Could someone please tell me how I could improve it?

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@oliviaschram3 years ago

My biggest tip would be to keep reading your work over and over again, and really analyze. I am prone to being more descriptive than needed in my work, and I think that might be your issue too. Look over your essay and see if there are any phrases or sentences that can be shorter. Get to the point and write strongly, do not get bogged down in style or prose as that can make your essay longer than needed.

@gfuytu2 years ago

Simply put an opinion essay allows the writer to constructively express their personal opinion for the further knowledge go to the given link http://opinionessaytopics.com There are original opinion essay topics, opinion persuasive essay topics opinion paper topics opinion essay topics on health, etc here you can various topic for writing an essay so that your writing skill will improve easily.

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5 answers

3 years ago

Hey! This is a real struggle but do not worry!

The key to good writing is editing and rewriting.

Like @kimberlyascencio-cerna said try submitting your essays on CollegeVine.

Also try reading other essays, essays which have got people into the school.

You could try looking up your college-specific ideas on the CollegeVine blog.

Watching videos on essay tips is also very useful.

Ask your siblings or teachers or parents for help.

Try going through your essay from the perspective of an admissions officer.

Ask yourself what does this line tell the person on the other side? Does it tell them about my nature/qualities? What does it show them?

Hope this helps (:

2 years ago[edited]


2 years ago

Although it could be challenging to write a five-page term paper on a single concept or character, refraining from repetition is crucial to developing your writing abilities. Your reader interprets repetitive usage of the same phrases as being lazy. Here are three strategies from https://transcriberry.com/speech-to-text-transcription-service/ to assist reduce wordiness and get rid of redundant words and phrases:

Eliminating recurring words or phrases from your essay is the easiest way to improve your writing.

If you believe you must preserve the concept, substitute a term or phrase that is comparable. This might include finding an alternative, such as using he instead of George as a pronoun to replace a proper name. Only use a thesaurus to refresh your memory on terms you are already familiar with but have momentarily forgotten. Don't use new phrases just because they sound nice; taking this dangerous route often results in the usage of terms with distinct underlying meanings, which may ultimately be more harmful to you than the repetition itself.

The last method we'll discuss is the most challenging, but it's also often the most successful. Start by erasing the problematic repeat. Then underline important terms in the statement (skip words such as a, of, while, it, etc.). Create a new phrase now, keeping the words you circled but removing the repetitions. In order to complete the notion, you may need to add extra thoughts, however our term paper editors have discovered that doing so will help your paper.

2 years ago

The prices are also quite low compared to other custom essay writing services, with the starting price at just $9. The website also offers discounts and coupons, as well as free plagiarism reports. Lastly, customers are rewarded with 5% cash back on their purchases. If you want to get your money's worth, don't be afraid to use https://www.reddit.com/r/studylevel/comments/w6u44u/essay_writing_service_reddit_20222023/. Once you find a reliable writer, you'll be well on your way to achieving the grades you want!

3 years ago

I recommend submitting your essay to be peer review on CollegeVine! It is a pretty easy process and you get feedback on your essay. Just mention your prompt, what you want feedback on (which is how to stay within 250 words, and is it good, and etc). I submitted an essay once and I got pretty helpful feedback. Hopefully, this helps!

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