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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

How do you decide on what colleges you should apply for/ go to?

For example, say you had two dream schools and you managed to get into both of them, how do you choose which one to stay at?

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@TarynB4 years ago

Use the pros/cons list, and spend some time (days/weeks) putting items down as you think of them. Brainstorm with family/friends. Location? Cost? Campus food? Research possibilities? Weather? Prioritize your list. Then make a sensible decision based on your list, but listen to your gut and follow your instincts. It also helps to flip a coin, because if you feel you "chose" one place because of heads, it may help you realize you REALLY wanted the other.

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2 answers

4 years ago

For me, it was just a money issue. I decided to go to the cheapest option. That makes things a lot easier as far as decision-making goes lol. But for you, maybe just do some research and see how well-respected each one is in the field you plan on going to. Look into their educational philosophy and see if it speaks to you. Look at the location, and see if their are jobs available nearby, or maybe how nice the country side is.

4 years ago

Honestly, just choose whichever one you like best! There are many factors that can play in to your decision such as location, size, fit, prestige, financial aid, campus, student life, food, and housing. Do extensive research on all the colleges you got into and try to visit them if possible. Hopefully, you will have a better understanding of which colleges you prefer afterwards!

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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