Hi everyone! I really want to boost my SAT Math score by 70 points, I am currently at a 630 so I am shooting for a 700+ and I am taking the June 5th SAT. I know there is very little time but I really need advice. Any tips other than the "plugging in" method or study resources other than Khan Academy. I can't really get the concepts of certain SAT math problems to stick so I need a new method. I do have an SAT math book but it's not that helpful either. If anybody has any tips or advice for studying/taking the SAT Math section, I'd be SO appreciative. :)
I would quickly order either the College Panda SAT Math book and SAT Math exercises or Dr.Chungs SAT math problem exercises. They are very helpful. You can get these books as fast as 2 days if you live in the US.
I got a 760 for my Practice tests on the SAT!
If you get over 630, I am guessing that you know most of the math context like Algebra 2 and stuff! I personally do not like Khanacademy math problems but they might work.
So here is what I think might help, ALWAYS review problems that you for wrong. I AM NOT JOKING. looking at what you got wrong and trying to find the flaw is REALLY important! Especially in math, there is only one right answer, so reviewing and going over your weak spots will totally help. Don't just try getting as much as new problems solved, try getting all the wrong problems correct!
Good Luck!!
i recommend using khan academy SAT practice. It's been really helpful for me. If you took PSAT in the past, Khan Academy tells you your weak areas, and helps you improve in those. It's helped me a lot, I've been using it or while now. They also give you practice tests to take and at the end It'll show you what answers you got and your overall score, and its FREE!!!
Here's a great website with a ton of testing tips. They put it a lot better than I could, so hopefully this helps. :)
To keep this community safe and supportive:
I have a similar situation, so this thread is really helpful for me.There are a lot of tips that can help me to increase my score