3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Will I be able to raise my gpa to a 3.9 or 4.0 by the time I graduate?

I am in the ninth grade and I currently have a 2.7 GPA, terrible I know. I was wondering if I will have time to raise my GPA to 3.9 or 4.0 by my senior year. I will graduate in 2024 if you were wondering.

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@rujula3 years ago

Yes, GPA matters. A LOT. But universities also want to see you improve. If you have a 2.7 in 9th and work hard to get it to even 3.5 by junior year, universities will be impressed. You can try to get your GPA up while also excelling in an extracurricular which will make your application much stronger. I suggest you either repeat 9th grade or attend summer school.

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Since colleges don't admit you based on your final HS GPA but on your 7th semester or 3.5 years (unless you apply EA or ED, then it's 6 full semesters), you should focus on getting your GPA as high as possible through the end of Junor year or the 1st-semester senior year.

If you end up in 9th grade with a 2.7 GPA that counts for 2/7 semesters. If you get a 4.0 for the next 5 semesters, you will have a 3.63 GPA provided you take the same amount of courses each semester. If you calculate the theoretical max through Junior year, then that is a 3.57 GPA.

If you can somehow attend summer school 9th, 10th, and 11th grade summers, and take 2 classes over the summer and get As that will give you an additional semester worth of grades. This will bump you up to a 3.68. GPA.

You are in a bit of a pickle if it is your intention to apply and get into a top college. There is no possibility to get a 3.9+ UWGPA in your case because of your C+/B- current status.

Now would be a good time to decide whether or attending the college of your choice is more important to you to graduate with your friends and acquaintances in your current class. If your number 1 goal is to attend a top college, I would seriously consider repeating your 9th grade. I can't really see you working out of this any other way.

There is absolutely no shame in taking an extra year of HS prior to attending college. I know some excellent people who have done that. 1 friend repeated 9th grade, and another acquaintance went to boarding school for an extra year of HS prior to going to Stanford University.

Good luck.

3 years ago

This is definitely a difficult situation to be in, but it might not be possible. One thing I would recommend is that you should do grade replacement, Grade replacement is when a high school gives you the opportunity to repeat a course for a higher grade. I have done grade replacement for 1 B and 1 C I had in math sophomore year, and I ended up with a 4.0 GPA sophomore year because of it. Ask your high school counselor if they allow you to retake classes. If you are willing to work really hard this summer, you can sign up for multiple online classes and replace the grade. This works out well because there are very few opportunities to participate in summer programs or other programs the summer after your freshman year. Doing one or two classes might help a little, but if you can get your GPA to a 3.1 to 3.5 before sophomore year begins, you should easily be able to reach a 3.8/3.9 if you get straight A's sophomore, junior, and part of senior year. I would focus on improving my study habits during the summer by taking these online classes. Then, try your best in sophomore, junior and senior year and get the best grades you can!

Good Luck

Hope this helps

Feel free to accept my answer if you find it helpful.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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