3 years ago
Admissions Advice


im a sophomore in highschool with a 2.97 gpa. Is there any way, shape, or form that i can have a 4.0 gpa or above by the time i graduate? I take 2 honors classes and two AP classes, and I graduate in 2023.

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

If you are a Sophomore you have completed 1/2 of your high school classes so you only have 3 semesters of grades until you apply to college, not 4. That means that your 2.97 represents 4/7ths of your academic record correct? Now if you take the same course load mixed in with honors, AP, IB, or weighted classes for the next 3 semesters and get As that would boost your UWGPA to 3.41, not 3.97 as the previous poster suggested. Your Weighted GPA on a 4.0 scale considers you take 50% APs or IBs of your course load so 4 APS each semester out of 8 classes would bump up your WGPA to 3.62, not 3.97. Since colleges primarly only care about unweighted GPA, you should re-evaluate what your college options are. It's highly misleading to tell someone they can get a 3.97 if they don't bother to do the math. That's irresponsible and give the reader false hope.

3 years ago

I am not the best at math, but I think if you took all APs (8 each year) for your last 2 years of high school and got A's in every class, you would graduate with a 3.97 weighted GPA.

However, I would not recommend this at all. There can be many reasons you are struggling and I do not know what they are, but you should try to fix it, not increase your work load by a ton when you can't handle what you have now.

So maybe stop taking AP and honors classes this upcoming year and just really try to work harder. Remember, GPA isn't all that colleges look at. They like a balanced course load, multiple years of a language, high level math, extracurriculars, sports, community service, etc.

Good luck! You will still be able to get into a fine college with this GPA, but remember that community college is still an option. They accept basically everyone and they are MUCH cheaper than 4-year colleges. I was considering going to one just because of the cost factor, and I'm valedictorian. There's no shame in it. If you do well in community college, you can transfer to a better college. Or, you might find that that's all the education you need for the field you want to go into.

I hope this helps, and good luck!

3 years ago

I'm sorry to say, but once you drop from a 4.0 gpa there is no going back. The vest you can do is score the best you can in these classes yo better your GPA, which can bring it into the high 3's. Also in your junior and senior year, don't slack off in order to keep the GPA you have.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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