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4 years ago
Admissions Advice


Whats the highest I can get my GPA too as a sophomore with a 3.3?

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3 answers

4 years ago

KK, the highest you can get your GPA up if you get all As for the next 3 semesters is an Unweighted GPA of 3.6. By the time you apply to colleges that is where you will be.

Now you can bump it up further to like a 3.65 if you take some dual enrollment or online college classes this summer and next. You would have to take about 2 classes each summer or 4 total and get As in them as well. I don't know what city, or state you live in so I would do my research now and register for some summer classes at your local community college. Please check with your HS counselor to let them know you want to do this. They may already have a policy in place that will easily allow you to replace some of your core or AP classes with dual enrollment ones. Perhaps you can get a weighted status for the hard ones.

Good luck.

4 years ago


This really depends on how many weighted classes you take. Obviously, you could take on-level classes and ace those to raise your GPA, but it will not be nearly as much as you could by taking AP or IB classes.

In terms of how much, I would go on Collegevine's (or other websites, there are a lot!) GPA calculator and enter in the amount of AP (or IB) classes you choose. Try to play around with different scenarios. For example, maybe enter in two AP classes into your junior year semesters and three in your senior year semesters. That will then give you a good idea of how much you can raise your GPA to.

The good news is, you still have time! You got this.

4 years ago

This depends on types of classes available at your school and how many. You can raise your GPA by taking AP classes and IB classes. It also depends on how many of these classes you can take and if you do well in them. I am sure you can raise it around 3.6 or higher! Hope this helps! :)

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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