3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Clubs in High School-Pharmacy

What clubs or extracurricular activities should I be in if I want to be a pharmacist after high school.

- I'm about to be in 9th grade.


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

hihi so i’m currently a junior and i would say for freshman go through your high schools club list or attend the club fair if you have one. there should be plenty of clubs or teams that have to do with the medical field whether is volunteer wise, for enjoyment, or for research/competitions. If there isn’t one (which i doubt) try to find like minded people and start your own club in sophomore or junior year which would be lots of fun for you and of course a boost for college. basic clubs that you might find interest is of course key club as it provides a gateway to different volunteer work that could possibly do with pharmacy. Once you hit the summer after sophomore year, you can look for possible internships at local hospitals, vets, or of course a pharmacy. Of course since getting an internship is hard (if you reach out to 100 business about an internship the saying is that is you only get about 1-3 maybes back) you can even get a job at somewhere like a cvs with a pharmacy which all contributes to show that you are passionate about pharmacy. but remember, clubs and teams are good but make sure you’re actually enjoying them! there’s a good chance you might be looking into your schools available clubs and teams and find an interest elsewhere you never know :))

3 years ago

Hi there, I’m a current freshman and hopefully future medical student, what I can tell you is to go for science or medical related extracurricular activities such as volunteering with a pharmacist, volunteering at hospitals or a vet. This may seem dumb but the point is to get a first hand experience from your volunteering, and to make sure that’s what you want to do. The fact that it’s possible to knock out two birds with one stone in the form of volunteering (getting community service hours that can also help you apply for clubs like NHS and more) and getting a first hand view of the job you want is great, the downside to this is that for a pharmacy, it’s impossible to find volunteering as a high school student, and even harder for a freshman, so a great beneficial, but not so closely related to pharmacy is to volunteer at hospitals since they most closely resemble pharmacy, I’m not saying to do it forever, just till you can find a pharmacy that will take you as a volunteer (I think there’s an age limit I’m not too sure on that), think of science and medical related opportunities, since pharmacy is something you major in once you hit college, so showing interest in the medical field is enough.

TL;DR: I recommend volunteering at a hospital for now, and once you make it to college go to a pharmacy, to get service hours and a view at what you want to do.

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