3 years ago
Admissions Advice

If I don't have any extra curricular achivement they will accept me?

Due to this current scenario I m not being able to participate in any extra curricular activities so do the Universities will accept my form

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2 answers

3 years ago

i mean the main thing would depend on what kind of school you are aiming for. if you are trying to get into a somewhat selective school having an extracurricular is very important and could even be part of the application process itself. even though everyone has had a rough year this year, there are plenty of ways to still have an extra curricular such as something as simple as a sport or hobby. as long as you can write about something like that passionately and maybe even use that for a greater cause such as a relating program you would easily get a leg up in admissions for any college. but in the end, yes depending on the college your extracurricular can be an important part of the admission process as the things you list as an extracurricular helps build up your character and let’s the admissions officers to know you.

3 years ago

This all depends on the university you go to and your academic levels, if you apply to something like USF (a public, semi-selective school) your academics should allow you to be accepted but it does have to be above average, at some schools like UF (A public, selective school) you're gonna either need a great academic profile, and by the time you reach private schools like Vanderbilt and Duke, extracurriculars are almost required to make it past the first cut.

TL;DR: This really depends on the school you want to go and the how good your academics are.

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