I'm currently a sophomore, and I have a 3.75 gpa. I had a really tough year and didn't do as well as I wanted to. Are there ways to boost my gpa as an incoming junior? I plan on taking 3 AP's next year, as well as editing my school magazine to get ahead in the journalism program. I want to get my gpa to a 4.0 but I'm not sure if that's realistic.
hi so i also had a really tough year as a junior and my first semester grades were literally like 2.0. however, i spoke with my guidance counselor and most schools offer something called a CR or NX which basically means you passed the class and got credit and it hides that score and does and accumulate it into your total average. I was also to CR my worst classes and then my gpa was about a 3.6. After that, i would suggest to just work your butt off on getting a higher grade for semester 2 and try to get your teachers on your side. however, you’re a sophomore right now so don’t worry too much and focus on maintaining a good gpa next year. As of now i went from a 2.0 to a 3.6 to now a 4 (blessed be) for now you can just find what courses/majors you’re interested in so you can plan out what classes to take next year and possibly look into college/university programs you would want to apply for :) try not to overwork yourself especially in junior year because while aps and honors do matter your gpa should come first.
Hi, if you didn't take APs or weighted classes, your theoretical UWGPA would be 3.87 by the time you graduated. But by taking 3 or more APs each of the next 2 years (say for example 1/2 your classes were weighted), then your Weighted GPA will get up to 4.13. Your unweighted would stay the same 3.87.
Hope that helps.
I had a 4.0 until my Junior year when covid hit I got a 3.8 a few terms but now I am working getting 4.0s every term and my Gpa is at 3.96. I would say just keep working and if it is important to you to get your GPA up then work for it. Also if you are looking for scholarships most schools place more weight on ACT/SAT scores so study extremely hard for those to help make up the difference.
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thank you so much! I'm at a 3.75 right now and I really wanna maintain that for the last month of school or bring it up seeing as I have very few classes. I'm feeling good about this I think I can bring it up :)