3 years ago
Admissions Advice

should I self study for AP Comparitive Politics??

I'm a rising sophomore and because of the way class credits work at my high school, I can only take one AP class sophomore year, but I want to have 10 total by the time I finish high school and I can only take 4 each junior and senior year. I'm currently signed up for AP US Gov & Politics, but I'm interested in self-studying for either AP Comparitive Politics or AP Macroeconomics so that I can meet my 10 AP goal. I guess what I'm asking is would taking both Comparative Politics and US Gov & Politics at the same time be really annoying/confusing? Would Macro be confusing too? Does the specific number of AP's even matter to colleges anymore? Also, if you have any experiences/tips to share about self-studying for AP tests (specific or in general) feel free to share that here as well. Thank you in advance! :)


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Hi! This is a great question, and it's one I'm sure many students are considering right now as they put together schedules for next year.

In general, the main benefit of taking AP classes is showing that you are challenging yourself academically and thriving in those challenges. This is typically measured by your performance in the AP class rather than your score on the AP exam. This emphasis is starting to shift with the elimination of SAT IIs, but in-class performance is still the strongest indicator of success for APs.

Additionally, as others have noted, the rigor of your class schedule is measured relative to what your school offers; admissions officers will be familiar with the way your school works, and they will therefore be able to determine if you were taking a challenging schedule as compared to what your school makes available and what the average student at your school is taking on. Thus, your goal of taking 10 APs (one more than it seems your school allows you to officially enroll in) is certainly an indicator of added rigor, but taking "only" 9 wouldn't spell doom for you either.

Specifically regarding AP Comparative Government and Politics, this class is certainly manageable in conjunction with AP US Government and Politics; in fact, some high schools teach them both simultaneously (my own high school taught each as a half-year course and students took both exams in May). I would consider asking your guidance counselor what other students at your school have done and see if others have found the various course combinations you're interested in feasible at your school.

I hope this has been helpful, and best of luck in your classes, exams, and beyond!

3 years ago

Colleges look at the amount of APs you take in regards to the amount your school offers. For example, there is a difference between an applicant who takes 5 APs because their school only offers 7, from an applicant who takes 5 APs when their school offers 20.

3 years ago

I have no idea what you are thinking because there is no such AP class/test you can take called 'AP World Politics'.

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