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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

How to create a blog?

Hii, I'm Duda, from Brazil, and I'm very interested in creating a blog/site, but don't know how to do it. Can anyone explain me where to start from?

Thanks ❤


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

If you want something simple and easy to use for just starting out, use wix or google sites or something like that. They will have limited capabilities and you will be using a subdomain rather than your own domain. However, it will also be free so it might be great to start out.

There are other websites that will give you your own domain with a lot more freedom in creating your site, however these almost always will cost money, usually $15-20 per year. It will also be more complicated, especially if you chose to get an email address using your domain name, or if you buy the domain from a separate business than your website creator. These can be separate charges. I would suggest trying to get your domain and website builder from the same business, but you might get a better deal doing it separate.

I got my own domain, email, and website all for free from a MailChimp promotional thing. It was incredibly complicated though, and that deal has ended now.

So I would probably go with one of the easy free ones.

Another option is YouTube, which is the modern day blogsite. It's free and has a much larger audience than blogs do. All you really need is a phone to record.

4 years ago

Hi! I would suggest using , as it is free, and really easy to use (especially for beginners). Start off with a 'niche' or a topic that you want to focus on, and just go from there :) My biggest tip; speak your mind, but try not to be offensive

4 years ago

Hello, I think it is so funny that you asked this question because I just recently started a blog on Tuesday! First of all, you should have an idea of what your blog is going to be about. Is it going to be a personal blog, a book blog (I am doing a book blog), a blog about music, etc. If you need inspiration, try to look at other blogs and find the one you like then make it your own. Then, you need to create a website, for my blog I used I knew nothing about creating a website but this website was really easy to use! If you decide to find something else, make sure it is free! After you are done creating your website and making your first post, share the blog with as many people as you can. Share it on social media, friends, family, and teachers as well! I hope this helps!

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