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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Receive a scholarship in the field of medicine

I am in grade 11 and I want to get a scholarship after high school in the field of medicine, and I don’t know where I started or what to do.Also, I do not know what exams I should get or which country is good for studying


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1 answer

Accepted Answer
4 years ago[edited]

In no particular order, I will assist you with answering your questions.

"Which country is good for studying"? - This website is only for American Colleges, therefore there is no information available here either through the Q & A section or other forums that will help you on picking a medical school outside of the US. And since Medical Schools in the US are considered Graduate School, this is not the correct venue for Graduate or PhD programs either.

"I do not know which exams I should get"? - 99% of members on here are only interested in getting college advice for US colleges and 4-year undergraduate degree programs. Therefore the only exams that are discussed here are either of the 2 Standardized college assessment exams called the SAT and ACT. Also discussed here are the AP exams or IB exams which are specific subject exams you take if your high school offers either AP or IB coursework. You can also self-study for the AP exams.

"I want to get a scholarship after high school in the field of medicine, and I don’t know where I started or what to do"? - To become a medical doctor or specialized nurse or other professional medical careers, 99% of those on CollegeVine intend to apply to US Colleges or Universities. If you wish to become a doctor, the most common path is to first attend a 4-year college first, then apply to Medical School which is another 4+ years, work as a resident and then take your board exams to be certified as a medical doctor. There is a less popular and more difficult path which is to enter a BS/MD program which is a dual degree program with 1 college where you get your undergraduate degree and medical degree from the same college. There are very few schools that offer this and the admit rates are typically lower than the admit rates for applying just to the undergraduate program. In some instances, you can save 1 year of coursework and graduate in 7 years but other BS/MD programs such as the one offered by Brown University are 8 years. The Brown BSMD admit rate is around 1.8% and the Brown BA program is around 5.45%.

Scholarships - It is very challenging and difficult to receive substantial financial aid to attend either undergraduate or graduate school in the US if you are an International Student. The biggest hurdle will be having the qualifications to attend the schools that offer excellent financial aid to Int'l students. At this time, only the very best colleges in the US offer Int'l, students, large grants that cover their tuition, room, and board. These would be schools like Ivy League schools (except for Cornell and UPenn), MIT, JHI, Duke, UChicago, Willams, Amhearst, USC, Stanford, etc. As you move down to 2nd, 3rd, 4th tier schools the financial aid for Int'l diminishes. Also keep in mind that Public University systems like the UC system, SUNY system, etc are primarily mandated to support the residents of their state first so tuition for out-of-state residents is sometimes 3 times the rate as in the case of UCLA or UC Berkeley. I wish I could offer more positive news on scholarships. Extremely few full-ride scholarships are available to international students so my recommendation is to start to fill out the College Vine Profile and put in as much information as you can in your Chancing Profile. Then create a list of schools and see how you fare against that list. This shouldn't take more than a weekend to research to see if you are well-prepared or have some serious gaps in your academic or extracurricular record.

Another thing to be prepared for is submitting an English language proficiency test which you can take in your own country. The most common ones are TOEFL and IELTS. Your aim should be 100-105 on the TOEFL for top schools and about 7-7.5 for the IELTS exam.

Good Luck

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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