3 years ago
Admissions Advice

what collages that accept 14 as score of act 1

i want art and design collage that accept 15 as score for act 1

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2 answers

3 years ago

I'll be frank, I don't think any non-community colleges would accept that score. You can try to go to a community college and then transfer to an art/design school. This way you can also save money. Or you could try to increase your score.

I would recommend increasing your score to at least a 23 or more. You can use the Princeton review ACT practice books for this. They are incredibly helpful with practice tests as well as lessons. Or you can also use the Khan Academy free tutoring/lessons. The bottom line is, practice a lot! You will be able to increase your score for sure!

Good Luck! :)

3 years ago

Hey, @menna Hope you are doing well to answer your question there are rarely any colleges that will accept you with a 14 ACT score as it is definitely low. It places you in the bottom 13th percentile nationally out of the 2 million test takers of the ACT entrance exam. The score indicates you've done a very poor job answering the questions on the English, Math, Reading, and Science sections of the test. So you need to pull up your score to at least a 25 or higherthen only you will get payed attention to as some Art and Design colleges start at 25/26 for ACT Scores. Wish you luck.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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