I'm in a bit of a predicament. I can take Geometry in the summer and skip one year ahead, but I would not be able to take a math class during the school year(My junior high only offers math up to Geometry). My counselor says that I can take a math class from a private high school next year (this way I would be one year ahead of everyone). My biggest fear is that I won't be able to handle the workload, or it might overcomplicate things. What do you guys think?
I htink that you should defintiely take a math class during the school year so that jumping back into math a year later doesn't leave you feeling as if you've forgotten everything. There is a very good chance that you'll be able to handle the workload if you never have much trouble in math. However, my biggest suggestion is to see how this decision will affect you in the long run. What math classes will you take all four years of high school? Does meeting a group of strangers intimidate you? Are you going to know anyone else in any of your future math classes or not, and is that going to bother you in the future? I would suggest talking to your counselor, and maybe reaching out to your future high school counselor, to find out about the long term academic options you will end up having.
Good luck!
Assess your own strength in mathematics: if you are excellent and good at Algebra I (which, I presume, you will be able to take geometry next year), you can by all means, take geometry during summer. With regard to your anxiety that you are able to handle the workload. If you feel you must fight with the subject continuously, perhaps the best solution for you is to take Geometry in the school year. Maybe it is too tough, if you can drop the course early in the school year, if you like it and can handle it, just go on. Good Luck!!!
Hey! To answer this question, I feel like you have to ask yourself and really self-evaluate your own strength in math: if you are excelling and doing well in Algebra I (which I assume you are in if you can take Geometry next year), then by all means take Geometry over the summer - it will only enhance and not detract from your application.
In terms of your fear of being able to handle the workload, that is yet again a personal thing - how long does it take you to learn & grasp new concepts? If you feel you have to continually grapple with the concept, maybe taking Geometry in the school year is the best option for you.
Perhaps if you can drop the course early in if you feel like that it is too challenging & demanding, that will be the best option (like a test run) - if you like it and can handle it, simply continue.
In the end, you have to think about this in your context. Hope this helps!
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Thank you! This is really helpful, I will ask my highschool counselor :)