I’m going to be completely honest, I didn’t study at all for my first SAT and I didn’t even know I was taking it until a week ahead of time. I’m wondering if I should register to take it again and actually commit to studying for a while. The first test I got a 1410, (670M/740RW) and I feel if I studied hard I could do better, especially on the math portion. Would retaking it make a big enough difference since most schools are test optional anyway?
I think this depends on what schools you want to apply to and how much time you are actaully prepared to put into studying. If you look at what the minimum and median SAT scores for the schools you want to attend, you can tell if the school is a safety school or a reach school. If the school is a reach and you are extremely set on it, I would say retake the test, but ONLY if you study very seriously. Even with what seems like a lot of time put in, your score may or may not increase very much. Therefore, if the school is a safety school or target school, I probably wouldn't bother retaking the test.
I think you should retake it to have a better score. This tells admission officers more about who you are.
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