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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Early Decision

I'm heavily considering applying early decision at Vanderbilt. I feel like it would give me an advantage, but might result in a low financial aid offer. Thoughts? Pros/Cons to ED?

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

Hey, I have a few pros and cons off the top of my head here about ED:

Pros - You will receive your answer rather quickly, applying early means you only have one application which means less stress, you have longer to decide, and you aren't competing with so many other applicants.

Cons - Although there is a smaller amount of applicants, they probably have stronger applications to offer, depending on your grades you might miss a semester of grades to submit, and an early application means you cant compare it with other financial aid services, etc.

In the end, I think personally that an earlier decision is a great idea if you have a strong application, but if you have any doubt that yours isn't strong enough, then just wait. Hope this helps!

4 years ago

From the Vanderbilt website: "we promise that whatever package you would receive by applying for aid as a regular decision applicant, you will receive as an ED applicant". Vanderbilt meets 100% of a family's demonstrated need, so applying ED won't affect your financial aid package.

If you know that if you will definitely go to Vanderbilt if you get in, then you should ED. If you aren't completely decided, then ED may not be the best choice.

4 years ago

It is true that applying early decision at Vanderbilt or any other top tier Private University gives you an advantage in getting accepted because schools often want most of the students that are accepted to come and study at their university.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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