3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Should I take APUSH?

I am debating whether to take APUSH next year (junior year) because I am already taking 3 other AP Classes (Lang, Chem, Calc AB). I am not too much of a history person, but I have already taken AP World and AP Euro. I know passing the APUSH exam can count for the American History requirement in many universities, but I do not think it would be a class I would enjoy. I currently have a 4.6 GPA so I am not too worried about my GPA dropping too much, I am more concerned about time management and workload because I will have other activities junior year (volleyball, community service, etc.). I am planning to go pre-med as well, so history is not one of my high interests.


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Depends on what you want + what colleges you're looking at. If you're looking at top schools, take APUSH to boost your GPA. Helps you be a more competitive applicant and shows consistency since you've taken other AP history courses in the past. On the other hand, AP Chem + AP Calc can be tricky. If you're naturally good at STEM subjects, go ahead and take APUSH. The workload's not too bad. However, if you think you'll need to work extra hard on the STEM APs, focus on getting good grades there and pass on APUSH.

3 years ago

I just took it and it was a pretty eye opening course (I usually hate history not going to lie), definitely would recommend taking it even if you don't take the AP test.

3 years ago

If you don't think you'd enjoy the class and aren't truly interested in it, I wouldn't recommend taking the course. You already seem to be challenging yourself, and if you're worried about workload, adding another course just because it's an AP doesn't seem necessary. It's ultimately up to you, but if you don't think you would enjoy the course, don't feel obligated to take it.

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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