3 years ago
Admissions Advice

SAT Studying

How long before my test date should i be studying consistently?


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

It completely depends on the knowledge you have regarding the syllabus covered in the exam. So, it differs from person to person.

Here is my suggestion to help you find it out by yourself :

1. Go through what is covered in the exam and then take a diagnostic test (if you haven't taken any SAT exam previously).

2. After the test, if you feel that you don't know much of the concepts asked, you would have to spend more time to review all the concepts and then improve your time management strategies. So, you should spend a minimum of 6 hours a week if you start preparing for the test at least before 2 months in order to get a good score. But if you're good with the concepts, then you'll need about a month's time in order to practice the time management strategies and build confidence in you. Also, you should keep taking a minimum of 2 practice tests a week and analyze your results in order to succeed in the test.

3. Also, be confident and go in the way in which you are comfortable in taking the test and don't waste time watching youtube videos like how to study for the SAT within a week, within a month, blah blah!!!

4. While practicing for the SAT, also try to improve your concentration so that you can better interpret the questions on the SAT in less time.

Strictly no social media during preparation for SAT if you're aiming for 1450+

Hope my answer helped :)

3 years ago

It depends where you are starting from. If you feel like you have a solid grasp of what they test a few months of review (depending on how long it takes you to review) should be good. It also depends on what you want to score. I would take a full pretest to gage where you are starting from and decide from there.

3 years ago

If you want a 1550+, start ASAP, and work at it a lot.

Otherwise, once or twice a week, and the sooner you start, the higher your score can be:)

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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