3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Should I skip Algebra 2 and take Pre-Calc as a sophomore?

HI. So I am a freshmen and i just took geometry in 9th grade. Honestly it was easy for me. So I was thinking if is should skip Algebra 2 for 10th grade, like should i study the entire course during the summer and when i come back to school study pre-calc. I plan on doing 10th grade: Pre-calc 11th: Ap Calc BC 12th: AP stats? or anything else


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5 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

That math track is similar to what I did, so it's very doable! I personally took AP Calc AB junior year, but you can use precalc to see how confident you feel about higher-level math. You'd probably want to double-check with your school counselor that you're allowed to take Algebra 2 over the summer and review what summer programs align with your school's criteria.

3 years ago

My PreCalc class was very similar to my Trigonometry class. If you're good with Trig, I would say you're in good shape to take PreCalc. And just wanted to let you know, my Algebra 2 class was very similar to my Statistics class. You will want to retain your Alg 2 knowledge for Stat! Hope this helps!

3 years ago

I was able to teach myself Algebra II and Precalc solely through Khan Academy, so it's definitely possible. Algebra II was pretty easy, too. If you do self teach over the summer, make sure that you're committed to learning it in depth, because it's important to have a base knowledge of Algebra going into harder maths, plus you'd have to do some placement tests/evaluations to make sure you learned all of the material. (I'm in the process of doing that rn.) Make sure you're aware of that and contact your school counselor for details, earlier rather than later. That being said I'd go for it!! Of course, it's up to you though, because it will take work and you have to be all in.

3 years ago

Hi there, I took algebra two, and from my experience, it was way too easy, I e yes take algebra two in the summer and take pre-Calc, a harder class, in person. Like @simplysiddie said, check with your school and counselor to see if it’s possible, but otherwise it’ll be great, we can help you on the math if you need it :)

3 years ago

So assuming you took Alg1 in either HS or MS already and you have room in your schedule for all other classes you want and need take then I’d advise taking Alg1. I just finished my school and when I took PreCalc I really relied on Alg2 knowledge. But the huge caveat is my school is very highly regarded so each class was more difficult then the average school so to speak. I’d personally ask your previous math teacher and counselor not just counselor but my teacher essentially said PreCalc is Alg3 so besides needing to use alg2 for other classes I’d say take it based on what I know

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