4 years ago
Admissions Advice


I'm a freshman in high school, and I'm worried that I'm not doing enough extracurricular activities in order to stand out or college. So far I have done student government, varsity tennis, and soccer. Am I doing enough? Or do you guys think I should be doing more? My parents had an idea for me to create a Spanish club at my school, but I'm worried that I won't have enough time for it due to the sports I play and Student government. I mean should I create a Spanish club?

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4 answers

4 years ago

you said it yourself—you're a freshman. you have three more years to build up extracurriculars and other activities, as well as things like jobs, internships, summer programs, etc. for a freshman, you have done plenty—way more than enough for where you are in your high school career. ECs aren't something you can cram like you forgot to study for a huge test; let them happen over time.

in any case, your application is only going to have 10 openings for you to add activities, and it sounds like you already have a few of those filled. a spanish club might be a cool idea if it's something that you really care about, but don't risk burning yourself out especially this early in your high school career. overextension is a real thing and it can really mess up your physical and mental health if you're not sleeping or stressed or otherwise overworked because you're doing more things than you have time for.

4 years ago

I would say if you really want to stand out and you really like Spanish, then do it! Also don't do something just because your parents tell you to, make sure that it is something that you are passionate about and something you are willing to put a lot of time into. Another thing is don't do a lot of EC's to stand out, it just shows colleges that you are doing them to look good, rather than being dedicated. Stick to fewer EC's, but be very dedicated, like starting a club or being of the board, like president. Good luck!!

4 years ago

since it's only your freshman year, you don't necessarily need to(unless it's one of your interests). try not to overwork yourself, and remember that extracurricular activities aren't everything to colleges.

4 years ago[edited]

Don't overwork yourself. Only do it if you really feel like it.

Maybe try out activities outside of school (like volunteering or social work)

P.S You're still a freshman, you'll definitely have time to do more :)

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