3 years ago
Admissions Advice

How Many Extracurriculars Do I Need For The College Application Process?


Extracurriculars have always been the aspect of my application that worries me. I'm currently an incoming sophomore and have, so far, one deep extracurricular and am setting up for another bigger extracurricular. My problem is, while I have some extracurriculars planned out, will I just randomly come across extracurriculars in high school? Will they be enough?

I'm trying to calm myself as I have only had one year that was fully remote in high school, but I am still worried. What are your personal experiences with extracurriculars? How many do you have? How many do I need?

Thank you!

As a reference, I was able to complete the following during my freshman year. Am I on track?:

- DECA member: 1 yr (not going to continue)

- Feminist Club member: 1 yr (continuing)

- In the process of starting a club, so I will be a co-founder and likely vice president in sophomore year (planning to continue for three years)

- A consulting internship that made a change in my district's school curriculum: 1yr (planning to continue for a total of four or three years)

- Not quite sure if this is an extracurricular, but I got a silver key (regional) award in the Scholastic Art & Writing Competition


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4 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

I am in somewhat the same position as you, being a fellow rising sophomore who didn't have many chances to establish extracurriculars through hybrid learning. My suggestion (and my personal plan) is to continue what you are currently engaged in to show commitment and establish leadership in what you do. Starting your own club sounds like a great idea too! As for Scholastic, keep entering your work. I have been entering work to their competition since 7th grade and every year I receive more recognition. As you improve, your awards will too, so keep with it.

In summary, as tempting as it will be in high school to try everything; it will help you stand out if you are able to commit and really make an impact.

3 years ago

For having your first year of high school happen during covid + remote learning you're honestly in a really decent spot EC wise. The consulting internship is particularly impressive considering it had an impact on your district's curriculum (congrats!). For your clubs try to stick with them until you graduate and see if you can get leadership positions as soon as you can. You're going to want to add some more ECs too I think. Volunteer work, personal projects for a hobby you enjoy, working, there are lots of options for you.

You have PLENTY of time to expand your ECs so try not to worry about it too much! And don't think you need to hit a certain number of ECs to make a good application. This can be an instance of quality over quantity for sure. Having a high leadership position in 2 clubs will look much better than just being a member in 4-5 clubs.

3 years ago

If I'm being honest, the extracurriculars you have listed are already admirably strong, but I also completely understand your worries.

When it comes to the number of extracurriculars, it's more about how involved you are in it. For example, listing five clubs where out of the five, three you have officer positions in is much better than listing ten clubs you are simply a member in. If you decide to do an extracurricular, try to go all the way instead of spreading yourself across all areas-- colleges love to see consistency, and more than that, they love to see proof of passion. As in, pick one jam, instead of multiple, and spread that one across your bread (yeah, I'm not sure if that made sense-).

3 years ago

HI! I graduated high school this year (Class of 2021!!!). I had 6 extracurriculars ranging from sports to DECA! I got into my top choice school, so my recommendation to you is to continue being involved in the clubs you're currently in and look for leadership roles/openings that you can join. Colleges don't necessarily look at how many extracurriculars you had but more your involvement and commitment to them. Good luck!

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