My name is Marjan, I'm in grade 9th and I live in Pakistan!
I suggest trying to achieve juxtapositional depth. Have two main interests that you exhibit an aptitude in and develop the majority of your extracurriculars around these two interests. For example: your two main interests are soccer and writing. In this case scenario you would want to be in a Sports Club, Captain of the soccer team, and maybe have some sort of internship with local pros. Also, you would want to be in Writing Club, have awards for your writing (enter in competitions), and maybe write for your school's newspaper. Colledges also admire it when you can combine your interests. Examples of this would include writing a short story, poem, or journalistic piece about soccer.
My advice is to do as much extracurricular activities you can. I am from Brazil and I am currently doing two volunteer works, vlogging on social media, created a group to help Brazilian people get oportunities abroad, etc. I am doing all of my extracurriculars on-line because of covid.
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