My name is Snigdha .I am in 11th grade right now .and I will be graduating high school in the year 2023.I have a GPA of 4.0 and the subjects that I took are maths,physics and chemistry .I want to get into ivies and ucs but I don't have sufficient extracurricular activities .I hope you can help me with them.I didn't take my sat yet.I will take them in December 2021.And I even need help with my essays.
Thank you.
I would recommend getting started on extracurriculars that interest you and ones that help give back to the community and just maintain your GPA. Also for ives, it would be better for you if you have pre-professional experiences.
Getting into the Ivy League’s is incredible hard, because almost everyone has great grades, extracurriculars etc.
The UCs are easier, some are a lot easier, depending on which one you’re thinking about.
You need to stand out. A 4.0 GPA is a good start of course, but it’s not enough.
Colleges like to see volunteering, sports, clubs/organisations, jobs etc.
An amazing essay is also incredibly important, and test scores (if you don’t go test optional).
Also, have you only taken science courses? No language courses, visual arts or social science courses?
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