I am a rising junior and since it is summer I finally have time to start a passion project and work on building my college application. However, I have no idea where to start for a passion problem, and all of the people that I see online are expensive. I would like to try to build it on my own but need a place to start. I feel that once I will start up my passion project, I can create a path of where I want to go for my college application and build other extracurriculars and classes around it.
Does anyone have any suggestions for a passion project that is based on careers in psychology, law, or business?
Any suggestions would be amazing! Thank you!
Passion projects from your way of thinking is a misnomer in my opinion. A passion project is usually an extra circular relating to your major.
Some extra circulars could be starting some sort of school club. Interning at a local business, some sort of blog and this may be a reach especially if you’re a city kid but I THINK some rural counties would let you help out thier courthouse. I’m a city kid and I can’t confirm this but I remembering hearing that from somewhere. I can’t remover where but it may be worth looking into
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