3 years ago
Admissions Advice

What other classes should I take in high school if I'm pushing toward Computer Science?

Hello! Hope you're having an amazing day/night. I'm a rising sophomore who will go back to school in a few months. I want to one day be in the CS field so I can pursue my dream of being a programmer (I dont know what kind yet but that's where I wanna start). As far as I know, I'll be in a AP course for CS Principles. Is this a good start and what other courses should I take?

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago


So, I see you're taking AP CS Principles, and that's great! It's the most basic-level computer class offered, so it's good to see you're starting off right. If you want to continue down the computer science, I suggest taking AP Computer Science A (which is a little bit harder, but I think it's worth). Also, computer science relies A LOT on math, so get into your Calculus, Statistics, and Graphing classes. Honestly, to become a computer programmer, the LEAST you can do to really help you is having a solid and concrete foundation is basic algebra, but I'd highly recommend going into more advanced math classes since it will pay off in the long run. You're going to be a killer programmer!

-Hope this helps!

3 years ago

I would definitely recommend AP Computer Science A, because it is a great course to get an introduction to a college-level coding course. Make sure to take AP classes in math and science subjects. AP Calculus BC and AP Statistics are useful because they help you gain the logical skills needed for computer science. AP Physics A, B, or C are also great courses because they are mandatory to take as part of the computer science curriculum. Good luck!

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