I want to start a business but nervous of being unsuccessful if am hope I’m not would it be pointless to do and not improve me app
So a business is a standout on an application however you should it is likely very time intensive and it shouldn't just be the stereotypical lemonade stand. Generally the more unique it is the better but again that's generally. Even if its unsuccessful you will A learn a life lesson and B it shows you can overcome failure and you pt your best footforward. However it should be permanent and not an activity that you did for a school year then ditched then it would a negative.
Hope this helps
Starting a business can definitely be nerve-wracking, but don't let the fear of failure hold you back. Even if your business doesn't succeed, it can still be a valuable experience that you can learn from and apply to future endeavors. And who knows, it might just take off and become a huge success! In terms of improving your application, having a unique and creative business can definitely make you stand out, so it's worth considering. By the way, I came across this cool article on recycling business plans that might interest you: https://www.ogscapital.com/tag/recycling-business-plans/. Check it out and see if it sparks any ideas for your own business venture.
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Thanks for the advice.