3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Is University of Cincinnati prestigious?

I am an international student applying to the University of Cincinnati this fall for a CS major. Can anyone from the US tell me how prestigious is it considered by tech companies? Suggestions of other good CS colleges that give financial aid to international students is also appreciated🙏


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1 answer

3 years ago

UC University of Cincinnati is a lovely campus. It certainly not an IVY, ELITE, or Near Ivy or Highly Competitive College but it's certainly a very good school. I remember that the campus is extremely well organized with nice architecture, quads, walkways and their university village has tons of shops and restaurants. I think if you plan on working in the Midwest, it's a good school but nothing like Carnegie Mellon for CS.

I think your approach to asking CV members to give you lists about which CS college has the best financial aid to Int'l Students is the wrong approach. First of all, college admissions offices do not give more aid to CS students and less aid to Architecture or Film students. Aid is aid and each college has its own budget and criteria.

Secondly, the only people who might have a good idea are Int'l CS matriculants from previous years like the Class of 2020, or 2019 or paid college consultants who do this for a living professionally. Those students are no longer on CollegeVine and moved on. So the only people focused on International Aid are the 10th and 11th grade Int'l HS students trying to figure it out for themselves on Collegevine. Many of them really do not know very much about how the college process works for International Students. One minute someone has no clue what the difference between Need Blind and Need Aware so someone knowledgeable informs them. And the next minute, they are acting like they are college admissions experts giving advice to other Int'l students. This is what you are going to run into here.

The rule of thumb is that if your family has limited financial resources to pay for your US studies, then you have to attempt to get into the very best college possible with the hopes that they offer CS as a major, not the other way around. Since only the very best colleges dole out the best financial aid to Int'l students, you can't expect your CS Major requirement to perfectly align with the colleges that have the best aid.

So you need to have two columns. In the first column, you need to research and rank the colleges that offer the very best aid based on your unique circumstances. (which I don't know). In the second column, you have to list the college that has the best CS programs. Then you compare the two lists and create a third list of colleges with CS majors that have the best financial aid.

Researching financial aid for Int'l students is time-consuming. Since there is no NPC for Int'l Students, I would still use it because if they are generous to US Citizens based on a low income, their financial aid will be most likely positively correlated for Int'l students. For example, William and Mary, UMichigan and UMiami and Tulane do not have good financial aid for out-of-state American applicants. Therefore, I'm positive that it would be futile to apply to those schools as an Int'l student because the aid they offer will be equally weak or worse. You can verify the data by going to Section H of the Common Data Set for the year of the college you are researching. At Tulane for example the avg cost of tuition, room, board and fees etc is about $80,000, on line J you can see that the average finaid package for someone who applied for need-based aid was $49,711. That would include the university grant, a work-study job, student contribution, EFC (family contribution), so you'd be on the hook for a little more than $30,000 per year or about $130,000 including rate hikes for the 4 years you are attending Tulane.

So I hope this is helpful and gives you a homework assignment to do over the summer. There are a lot of colleges to research and analyze and only you can do that.

Good Luck.

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