My current class rank is 37 out of 592. Previously it was 44 out of 998 but people left my school. What is yours if you know it and do are you happy with it? I think most schools are about 50-50 on if they consider it or not.
I consider a good class rank top 10% because that's the highest rank on most common data sets. For UT Austin, I think 6% is a good rank because they just revised their Auto-admissions from 10% to 6%.
I think it matters most if you are applying to a top college and have a noticeable gap somewhere else on your academic record. So based on my analysis of CDS for some top schools rank matters most at these schools:
Claremont McKenna
Wash U StLouis
Rice University
Tufts University
Carnegie Mellon
University of Virgina
Wake Forest
Washingon & Lee
Carleton College
Grinnell College
Bates College
Scripps College
Connecticut College
Union College
Trinity University
And it matters less at these schools:
Univ of Penn.
Cornell University
Barnard College
Trinity College
Mount Holyoke
Cal Tech
Univ. Notre Dame
Emory University
Boston University
UNC Chapel Hill
Haverford College
Bryn Mawr
University of Richmond
Smith College
Kenyon College
Reed College
Saint Olaf
And hardly matters at these schools:
Northeastern Univ.
Colorado College
Macalester College
Davidson College
Pitzer College
The only top college that doesn't consider rank is Harvard.
I wonder why Harvard is the only top/ivy school that doesn't? From what I've heard they try to place emphasis that academics aren't everything while most schools say it usually narrows down to them.
The only thing I could come up with is that perhaps they know that you can't compare rank from school to school. So if you go to Stuyvesant High in NYC or a Top Boarding School maybe there are so many smart kids that rank is meaningless. If you ranked #1 in a public school in Alabama maybe you'd be #100 or #200 in another school or not even on the radar.
True, I think that is why some schools only lightly consider it as it can be a small very average class or a school full of high achieving students. I think to that very reason some schools don't do class rank.
That is a great class rank, and don't worry too much about it anyways. The ranking system only tears down students, so don't let it affect you too much. :)
Good job yall, regardless of how important it is it represents your gpa so you all did really well.
Mine is 20/849. So technically that is the top 2%. I'm pretty happy with it. Your rank is well above the top ten percent, it is in the top 6%.
You have a large class as well. My friend's class was only about 200 which I thought was really small but he insisted that was normal.
A "good" class rank, roughly speaking, is anywhere in the top 10%. You have a good rank. Mine is like 2 or 3 out of 450. I think schools aren't very bothered about it, as long as it's high. If it's too low then it might be a concern.
very true, when I was looking at the recommended classes I saw that most only considered it (making it the one of the things with the least weight) or they didn't consider it at all.
I hadn't thought of that though. If it's really low that probably would be concerning in most cases.
My class rank is 18/465, this was the 2021/2022 school year which was freshman year for me, is it good?
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