4 years ago
Admissions Advice

What are my chances of getting into UCs?

I live in the Philippines but I am studying in an online high school in the United States. I am currently a sophomore, but I will be graduating early since I went on a leave from school last year due to health reasons.

Stats-wise, I do not have that great of a GPA due to one C before my leave. I was not in the best state, and it really brought my grades down. I currently have a 3.76 UW and I will have taken 3 APs and 6 honor classes by the time I apply to colleges. I took the SAT once in my freshman year as a practice test and scored a 1350. However, I will be taking the ACT in July as my scores in the practice tests were at least a 32.

In terms of extracurriculars, I would say that I am a bit above average. I competed in 2 international math contests and received bronze and silver medals. During my (first) sophomore year, I joined math trainings every weekend and qualified to nationals. After that, I was qualified to join the summer Olympiad training for one month. I founded the first Gavel Club, under Toastmasters International, in my city and served as President for two terms. I was President in another organization that I have joined since I was 10 years old and raised around 100,000 Philippine pesos for our charity works. I tutored math in my online school for one semester. I've been playing the piano for 11 years, and I started figure skating this year. I am a member of the medical club in our school, and I plan to take up a leadership role in my last year. Lastly, I have a YouTube channel and Instagram account for studying tips, notes, and bullet journal.

UCLA and UCB would definitely be a long reach for me, but what are my chances of getting into the other UCs?

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1 answer

3 years ago

Hey! I would say you have a pretty good chance. Try to get a higher GPA by the time you graduate. Bring up some of those experiences you've had in your application essays. Definitely apply to some safety schools as well though.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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