3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Hello! Any suggestions of any genre of solo violin music I can should for my music portfolio.

I have been playing the violin since 6th grade and I am about to be a junior:

I do have:

Solo Violin Partita No. 2 in D Minor Allemanda

Solo Violin Partita No. 2 in D Minor Corrente

Solo Violin Partita No. 2 in D Minor Sarabanda


Grand Caprice sur Der Erlkonig

Anything counts!

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3 years ago

I don't have specific suggestions but make sure you are covering multiple genres. I would try to cover as wide of a range as you possibly can - show off the range of your talent. If you have any original scores I would definitely include those as well. Since you're going to be a junior you still have time to create your own score too which will probably be worth it in the long run!

Also going to tag @EliasMiller in case he has some more specific suggestions for you to include.

🎤3 years ago[edited]

I always had the idea to make my original score and perform them, but I don't know if it is the right song. I started making music in elementary school as a hobby, but since quarantine, I've improved a lot. Sorry if there's any bad grammar, woke up early lol

🎤3 years ago

I love rock music, but wasn't sure if I should do some pop music

3 years ago

Is there any reason you can't do both? If you're a rising junior you have plenty of time to try and make a few original songs in multiple genres. I'd just make sure you also have non-original songs in multiple genres as well

🎤3 years ago[edited]

I always assume from looking at other music portfolios, especially for violin, they only play classical music.

🎤3 years ago

I will certainly take your advice in making multiple genre original scores. Thank you so much for the help!

3 years ago

It's possible! I've reached out to another expert on our team who knows more about music than I do so we can get you a more concrete answer.

🎤3 years ago

Okay, thank you so much!


3 years ago[edited]

My first question would be, can you actually play the Ernst? Because if you can actually play it, that's ridiculous, congratulations to you, and it hardly matters what else is on there. I've heard Curtis and Colburn grads barely make it through. If you can't really play it, then I would advise you to not submit it.

I also agree that it's excellent to have a couple contrasting works in your portfolio. (IE. a work from the 18th century, and a work from the 20th century. A slow work and a fast work. A classical work and a non-classical work.)

Most likely, though, you won't be able to submit tons of different clips. Or even if you are, the more clips you submit, the less likely anyone will actually watch all of them. I completely agree that you should submit at least one original work if you're a serious composer and you're proud of your compositions. That said, less can be more. Make sure you're only sending your best stuff.

🎤3 years ago

I can not say I am a master at it, but I can go through it very slowly lol. Thank you for the ideas, I can try to find some different kinds of music and certainly make an original score.

🎤3 years ago

Do you know how many I should do, maybe four at most?


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