3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Is okay to reach out and email colleges?

I was wondering if it’s okay to reach out and ask specific questions to colleges to gain a better understanding of what they have to offer and get your name in their head? Also should I contact the school of business or the admission services?


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3 answers

3 years ago

It's always best to do as much research as you can on your own. If they have college fairs or special events where a college representative is present to field questions and give answers, then use these venues to do that.

If you write the questions that you can readily and easily find answers for on their websites or marketing literature, then you will be seen as annoying. However, if you have good questions to ask the admissions office, then they may see that as expressing interest in their college which is a good thing if they care about that sort of thing.

To make sure there is mutual benefit, you should look up the Common Data Set for the school you are interested in applying to. (or schools). This information "LEVEL OF INTEREST" can be found under section C7 in the CDS. I looked up U Michigan for instance and it says they "CONSIDER" level of interest when evaluating applications. Some schools may categorize as VERY IMPORTANT or just IMPORTANT. At Harvard, the level of interest is not considered because they have more applicants than they know what to do with.

For admissions questions, always make your inquiry with the Admissions Office. If you are interested in applying to a particular College like the School of Business, they have nothing to do with admissions and would not advocate for you in any way if you contacted them directly, unless of course, your Uncle is the Dean of the School of Business.

Good Luck

3 years ago

First, look around the college's website. If you still have questions, you should DEFINITELY ask them! Who you ask your questions to would depend on the question. If you want to know something specific about the school of business, email them. If not, email the admission services. And if you email the wrong place, they will probably tell you where you could find the information you need!

Good luck with your college search!

3 years ago

If anything it’s a boon not a negative to reach out. Some school use demonstrated interest as an admission metric (not required but is a good thing. Prep scholar if I remember correctly has a good list of schools. However even if they don’t care about DI you can reach out. Typically I’d reach out to admission and then ask if they can put you in touch with someone from a specific college in this case School of Business.

Hope this helps and feel free to comment if you’s like clarification as I’d be more than happy to help!

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