4 years ago
Admissions Advice

If I don’t have enough volunteer hours and apply with good stats and ECs, what are my chances of going to Ivy League?

I have 4.6 GPA, 35 ACT, 1570 SAT, 17 AP/IB, 8 honors, ECs such as SciOly and Science Fair that I received national level awards. But I have only few ten hours of volunteering. So what are my chances of going to Ivy League like Cornell?

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

The volunteer hours are actually a means of expressing that a person is really interested on a particular topic or issue and has volunteered to solve or contribute to his community with regard to that issue. Therefore while grades really matter, volunteering hours can help you in your essays and also to prove why you would be passionate for that subject which makes your application stand out

Although many students do get into cornell and other Ivy leagues, since you have recieved national awards it will serve the purpose of showing your passion for that subject.

It also depends on the branch you opt for to some extent. Since your grades are really high try focusing on volunteering for a particular issue only for as long as possible given that the issue coincides with your intended major

4 years ago

you should have a chance. schools like that aren't just looking for one kind of student—not everyone who gets into them has to have a ridiculous amount of volunteer hours. if you've gotten national awards in other ECs, with your academics, you should be in the range of student they'll consider admitting. your essays will just be really really important.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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