4 years ago
Admissions Advice

What to say in an email to a club leader?

Hi! I have been trying to compose an email to a peer who is starting a chapter of a club at my school. I initially really wanted to be the leader of this club, but he is an upperclassman and has had more time to put this plan into motion. So I've been agonizing over an email to send to him. I definitely don't want to come off as power-hungry or arrogant! I will provide what I have so far, can you please tell me if it is an effective way of asking for a leadership position in this club? Thank you in advance!


My name is (my name here), and I'm currently a freshman. I heard that (school) had a HOSA club, but found out later that it was only through the Health Sciences program. I was deferred to speak with (teacher), who referred me to you, as you have been the leader of said initiative.

Ultimately though, the point of this email is to inform you that I would be interested in helping you set up this club. Obviously, you have already put so much work into it, and of course, I am interested in the club and would be happy to lend a helping hand. I would be happy to help with publicizing the club or anything else you need help with! 

I understand completely if you do not require any further help, but I am only endeavoring to aid you in a project that is interesting to me too! And considering that we are in quarantine... it would be cool to have a headstart on the club once it is approved! Thank you so much for taking the time to read this email, and I apologize for the length! 

@mb343 years ago

As a HOSA president myself, this is a wonderful email! I would jump for joy if I read this email because it shows enthusiasm and politeness. This email would open the conversation further for establishing a leadership team and discovering your administrative skills. I think it is a wonderful way to communicate your desire to be on the leadership team! And what a wonderful club to pick, HOSA is the best!

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2 answers

4 years ago

The email is good. My only suggestion is to cut out or change the first sentence of the third paragraph. It sounds apologetic in a way and not like you're emailing a peer. I would stick to the theme of you being interested and excited to help out. Also remember you're a freshman and that sometimes it takes time to get a leadership position, what matters more is that you're passionate about what the organization does (which you clearly are) and the rest will come.

4 years ago

I like the idea of it but doesn't your school require a treasurer and other formal leadership roles as my school has almost no leadership despite being a top 5 in the state by US News. If so you might want to specify a specific role by saying Id love to be position in HOSA as I am very interested in being a leading member of HOSA and have that go in 3rd paragraph as the second sentence.

Ultimately though, the point of this email is to inform you that I would be interested in helping you set up this club. You have already put alot of work into it and I'd love to be insert position in HOSA as I am very interested in being a leading member of HOSA. I would be honored to help get HOSA off the ground or anything else you need help with!

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