3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Medical Internships

Hello! I am a rising junior and I am trying to find virtual medical internships/positions/or anything in the field of dermatology/cosmetic dermatology. Do you have any tips or recommendations? Because I have contacted numerous offices, many reply saying that they don't need interns. How should I go about this because I truly want to gain more exposure to the field?

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2 answers

3 years ago

Try looking at the website Tallo. They have a lot of medical and STEM internships, along with many other academic opportunities. You have to apply, but usually it's possible to do them virtually (through Zoom or something). Sometimes there will be some from your home state that you can actually go to and participate in, but I'd start there. I got to do a Zoom meeting with Lockheed Martin about their space tech programs and it was actually really fun and informative! Colleges also will see your participation in these programs and note that you went. You get "badges" any time you attend one and they're saved on the site where colleges can look at your profile. Personally, I use it and really like it. Hope this helps!

3 years ago

It might be easier to find something that isn't virtual. You could also try to find something that's more of a volunteer position. I also am unsure about how many medical centers would want a junior working as an intern. You could try visiting people at a hospital or nursing home instead? It might not be working, but it might help you get some connections for future opportunities.

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