4 years ago
Admissions Advice

I want to take online classes over the summer. How should I do this?

What online programs would be good application boosters or give credit from colleges?


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4 answers

4 years ago

One word: EDx!!!!

This program is great, as it is free, and it offers courses from very prestigious colleges, like Harvard, Yale, Stanford, etc. Plus, if you want to get a certificate after completing the course, you pay from $30-90, depending on what you take. I suggest this as this is the best way to boost your college application since you can tell a school that you took an online class at (insert school), etc.

4 years ago

Hey @cp839 - I think everyone here has already given some great suggestions. It really depends on what you're prioritizing. If you want free online courses and don't care as much about getting official college credit for it, I'd say go with an EdX or Coursera type class.

If you really want to get college (or high school) credit for taking summer courses, I'd recommend something along the lines of what @chloe_c said. First, check with your high school and see if they have a virtual learning partnership or dual-enrollment with a local college (4year or community college). That will be your best bet to get HS and College credit. If not, you can try going directly through a local college. It might cost money that way, so make sure you do your research.

Keep in mind that some college credits might not transfer to the specific colleges you want to attend. For example, a Statistics course at your local community college might not carry credit at Duke. So if credits are the most important thing for you, definitely keep in mind which colleges are on your school list and check to see if the credits will transfer before you spend time and/or money.

4 years ago






"Google courses"


"Yali network"

"open classrooms"


"Alison courses"

4 years ago

It varies by state and region so I would contact your counselor about the options that are available where you live. Usually though, there are virtual school systems that you can take classes from during the summer that can be used as credit. If you're looking for college credit, see if there's any local colleges offering online courses as credit. Georgia for example, has the free Duel Enrollment program for high school students who apply and pass the course, and you might be able to find something similar where you live.

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