3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Is there a way to see all of your grades and GPA? EX. State or district proivded?

I am in 11th grade but I can't see any of my GPA scores from freshman or sophomore year. Do I have to ask my school or is there another way I can get it?

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@TheAugustZephyr3 years ago

Hi!I don't know if your school has this option, but at mine, we use a site called StudentVue where we we can see our current grades, attendance, health,and school information. There's this tab called 'Course History' where i get to see how many more credits i need to graduate, what classes I've taken, and my cumulative GPA. If your school uses a similar site, I'd recommend looking for the 'Course History' Tab. If not, then just sending an email to your counselor would probably work. Best of luck

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3 answers

3 years ago

Yes, usually it will say on an official transcript from those years. If you can't find it, then try asking your class counselor for the information (I had to do this). Good luck!

3 years ago

Hi @SeanSimmonsSB

For my school district which is in Texas, we have everything provided on the school grade website where we access our class grades. It differs for everyone but we use HomeAccess Center where along with the grades we get normally during the year we also have our Full Transcript and GPA which usually gets calculated after winter break and the End of the school year. I would ask your school if you don't have this. Good Luck!!!

3 years ago

For my school, my transcript updates every year with a new GPA. If this is how it works at your school, I would recommend asking your counselor if they can show you your GPA from previous years. I'm not sure if there are other ways to see the GPA unless your school has a database where you can see them.

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