3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Do you get AP credit senior year?

Is it true that you can’t get college credit for AP scores your senior year since the scores come out way after a colleges deadline to claim college credit?

If so, could I do a leap year?


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3 answers

3 years ago[edited]

This is not true.

After you accept your college offer, your HS counselor will send the final transcript to the college directly sometime during the summer. On that report will be all your APs. If your HS sends it in soon after you graduate, sometimes the AP scores have not been tallied yet so it's up to you to get those to the college you matriculate into.

It's also up to you to work with the college to verify that all your qualifying AP scores can be accepted for credit. For instance, at Columbia, I may only get college credit for the APs I scored a 5 on. It's best not to make assumptions that they will be aware of all your AP classes, scores and automatically accept them toward your degree program.

There is no reason to do a GAP year.

3 years ago

I have been wondering this as well, so thank you for asking this question. I will tell you, after asking all my junior, senior, and going-to-college friends, that this is untrue. And as CameronBameron said, your HS counselor will send the final transcript to the colleges sometime during the summer. My friends also said, that if the colleges don't get the full HS transcript of that particular student, they will put that student on 'hold' till they get the transcript. Hopefully this helps.

I wish you luck, and hope this helps!

3 years ago

Hi @Ivybeam

I believe you do credit because there is no way we can get scores or do testing before the college deadlines come. Technically we can just tell the school and I think we will get it but I would do this ask your school or the college you intend to go to and ask them about their rules on AP Credit during the senior year because this is a question I have heard a lot but feel like it is an obvious answer. Good Luck!!!

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