I was told that you could take an arts specific tour at Skidmore College but I'm not sure how to sign up for one?
@skyerocket you should post that as an answer instead of a comment so the user can accept your answer and you can get some karma!
Yes, I found that schedule but I don't know how to actually sign up for one.
From the link @skyerocket posted: "All interviews and group information sessions require an appointment. Our schedule is subject to change. Please call 800-867-6007 to make reservations, interview appointments or for general inquiries."
I'd recommend reaching out to an admissions officer/tour director Skidmore with help with this problem! Best of luck!
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Did you check Skidmore's website? Cause I found the link to the schedule right away when I searched google. https://www.skidmore.edu/admissions/visit/schedule-old.php https://www.skidmore.edu/admissions/visit/index.php