3 years ago
Admissions Advice

This is a public service announcement for applicants worried about COVID-19 next cycle

As many of you around the world are aware, we are still in the midst of a global pandemic. We are extremely fortunate in the US that we have 3 choices of vaccinations to pick from and there is no lack of supply, only a lack of demand to ongoing propaganda of misinformation, politics, and conspiracy theories. While other countries are begging for help to stave off the spread of COVID-19, only 1/2 of our adult population has been fully vaccinated.

If you are hoping to have a full "business as usual" normal college experience, be careful about the schools you are applying to. If they are in the states their local populations have been the most resistant to get vaccinated and this will create future problems with their campuses returning to normal pre-COVID status. What we can expect for this Fall 2021 season is that 90% of all colleges will revert back to full mask-wearing within college buildings, classrooms, door public spaces, and any libraries, gyms, etc. Many colleges are reaching out to their cohorts right now and asking them to get fully vaccinated before they return to campus this fall. (e.g Columbia University, Michigan, Indiana U etc). If you are reading the newswires, almost all of them are reverting back to full mask-wearing right now.

While some of you will not pay any mind to this, I'm sharing this for the benefit of those who are unaware of the US Covid problems so that you can make a better-informed decision. If you are immuno-compromised or have a medical condition that prevents your doctor from approving a vaccination for you, I think this is important because you don't want to further put your health at unnecessary risks. For me and many of you, I think we would prefer attending a campus where either almost everyone including students and faculty is vaccinated so we can enjoy college as it was intended to be.

I gathered this list from the NPR website on current and projected vaccination rates for each of the 50 states and American provinces. 29 States are doing an excellent job and have already passed 70% for 1 shot and will hit 85% by next Spring. But 21 States are lagging behind and I'm going to tell you which ones to worry about in the order of worst to least. Keep in mind that the MAYO Clinic suggests that herd immunity to halt COVID-19 is 70% fully vaccinated. However, since the emergence of the Delta Variant, herd immunity is NOW estimated at between 80% and 90%.

Alabama has a 34% vaccination rate and by 8/2022 they are projected to be at 50%

Mississippi has a 35% vaccination rate and by 8/2022 they are projected to be at 50%

West Virginia has a 39% vaccination rate and by 8/2022 they are projected to be at 50%

Wyoming has a 37% vaccination rate and by 8/2022 they are projected to be at 52%

Idaho has a 34% vaccination rate and by 8/2022 they are projected to be at 54%

Alaska has a 37% vaccination rate and by 8/2022 they are projected to be at 57%

North Dakota has a 40% vaccination rate and by 8/2022 they are projected to be at 57%

Indiana has a 44% vaccination rate and by 8/2022 they are projected to be at 60%

Montana has a 44% vaccination rate and by 8/2022 they are projected to be at 60%

Tennesee has a 39% vaccination rate and by 8/2022 they are projected to be at 60%

Oklahoma has a 40% vaccination rate and by 8/2022 they are projected to be at 61%

South Carolina has a 41% vaccination rate and by 8/2022 they are projected to be at 61%

Arizona has a 45% vaccination rate and by 8/2022 they are projected to be at 62%

Louisiana has a 37% vaccination rate and by 8/2022 they are projected to be at 64%

North Carolina has a 44% vaccination rate and by 8/2022 they are projected to be at 64%

Michigan has a 49% vaccination rate and by 8/2022 they are projected to be at 65%

Iowa has a 50% vaccination rate and by 8/2022 they are projected to be at 67%

Ohio has a 47% vaccination rate and by 8/2022 they are projected to be at 67%

Arkansas has a 37% vaccination rate and by 8/2022 they are projected to be at 68%

South Dakota has a 47% vaccination rate and by 8/2022 they are projected to be at 68%

Hawaii has a 44% vaccination rate and by 8/2022 they are projected to be at 69%

This is just a snapshot of where we are today and where we are going. A lot of things can change between now and 1 year from now. But if you are concerned at all about your health, mental health, and well-being, now is the time to make adjustments to your college list and talk to your parents about taking a GAP year if that has crossed your mind.

I wish all of you the best in your college admissions journey. Make good choices.

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3 years ago

I mean in my state most schools (at least the ones I like and the one my sister is going to attend) have stated they will be operating as normal going forward starting the Fall 2021 cycle. This is because they are requiring vaccinations unless of course you are medically exempt. I thought all schools were doing this? My state is traditionally anti-vax so if we are doing it I don't know why others haven't yet.

🎤3 years ago[edited]

I think most colleges will try to do the right thing even if their governors are partisan and support anti-mask legislation. Florida's Gov. DeSantis is threatening to withhold state funding for schools/colleges if they defy his anti-mask policy and require students and teachers to wear masks to protect against COVID-19.

🎤3 years ago[edited]

Why am I not surprised that there are DeSantis supporters that would downvote this.

3 years ago

That's some people for you (for both). sigh well hopefully they feel comfortable wearing them if they wish without a regulation telling them. Here at least 30% of people still wear them and most store employees wear them as well.

3 years ago

I'm not even sure the covid hit my state. But that's how life is in a tiny state smiles Though you can't go anywhere without a face mask and the police are out for you if you aren't vaccinated. My funny little town is safe as usual from everything in my country. BooHoo


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