Does anyone have any tips for organizing your college applications, like creating an application schedule if you're thinking of applying Regular Decision? Any help would be appreciated.
I just posted a template on Notion that I've been using; it's been really helpful since you can separate or sort data easily- I find it similar to a spreadsheet but more user friendly. There are different views if you use the drop down on the top left too!
I created a Google docs spreadsheet with all the Colleges listing in say Column A and all the corresponding dates and events in other columns. So a column heading might be
School Name, ED Deadline, EA Deadline, RD Deadline, FAFSA Deadline, CSS Profile Deadline, Recommendations Deadline, SAT/ACT test date, SAT/ACT results date, SAT/ACT submission date....and so on and so forth.
To keep this community safe and supportive:
It's simple. You don't have to buy anything because the right tool is on your PC. I'm talking about google spreadsheets, which I've used for two years in college. It helps a lot, especially if you use completely free and affordable google spreadsheets like This booklet has helped me keep track of my schedule and all the subjects that used to be chaotically written down in my phone notes. Now the learning process is much easier for me.