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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Problems with ApplyTexas

When I was completing the scholarship application on ApplyTexas for Texas A&M University, there was a page that was not saving. I thought because it had information with parent income, it may have been saved but not showing up to me because of security reasons. Then, I saw on A&M's Facebook page that someone else submitted their application and had this issue, which leads me to believe that there is an issue on ApplyTexas' form. I contacted A&M, and they could not help me because they haven't received my application yet even though it had been at the end of day 5, which fits in the 3-5 day waiting period listed on their website. I also reached out to ApplyTexas to see if they were having problems, but I have not received a response. My school counselor suggested I do another application through Coalition because ApplyTexas is causing problems with many people, but I've already submitted my application once. What do you suggest I do moving forward? I am heavily relying on scholarships to attend TAMU, so I need the scholarship form to be correct.


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2 answers

4 years ago


This is a tough question! I would personally follow up with Apply Texas and see if there is a phone line you can call to speak to them live. I would also make your schools aware of the issue again and reach out to someone in each financial aid department (for each school this applies too) and see if there is anything they can suggest.

Hope this helps a bit

4 years ago

First of all, TAMU doesn't offer many (at least merit-based) scholarships. At all. If you are going for scholarships (from universities in Texas), try Texas Tech (max $9,000, or full if National Merit Scholar) or Texas State (max $12,000).

Second, email again or call. From my experience TAMU is pretty good at having people answer phone calls.

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