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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

How can I write about the impact my sister had on me?

To further elaborate, my sister was born mentally and physically disabled. She was younger than me, and I along with my family took care of her. She had a big impact on my life, her condition made me interested in the brain which led to my interest in psychology and then eventually medicine. I just wanna know how to be able to balance talking about her with respect to myself.

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3 answers

4 years ago


This is a great topic to write about. You should focus not on her condition but more on what you have learnt from helping her, how it has helped you improve as a person and how these skills could be used in college (either in the college community or in your classes). Then talk about how it also sparked your interest in psychology and medicine and how you want to pursue that in the future. What in particular do you want to study and how will college help you achieve those goals.

Good luck with applications

4 years ago

Focus on how dealing with your sister's disability shaped your life. Talk about how it made you more compassionate and understanding. Discuss how it helped you see the need for mental and physical health services.

4 years ago

I think you can show this by presenting the effect she has on you in terms of your own beliefs, values, and actions. What have you done that shows your interest in psychology and how will you connect it with your sister? this is a story flow that you might want to consider. I get how writing essays like this can seem scary since most people will deviate from the overall topic causing the substance of the essay to be more about others rather than themselves.

To avoid this, try to integrate into a third-person perspective. What did you notice about YOU in regards to your sister's condition and what actions have you taken to solidify these facts.

I wish you the best of luck in your application :-). Have a great week ahead!

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