3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Recommendation for college essay topic...

I'm wanting to take CS as my major and was wondering about what topic I can write about that is related to CS. I'm aware that everyone has different experiences but can someone please give some ideas for me to get a basic understanding of where to start please? I'm wanting to use the common app prompt about identity but don't really have a extracurricular that stands out and is CS related... i have taken courses for Python, CSS, and HTML and am teaching younger students how to code but that's about it. Also please let me know if there is a certain extracurricular that can help me out in this situation so i can write about that also... Thanks

@mathgeek3 years ago [edited]

hey @SageFuture87991, I think a good start would be remembering any project that you worked on that showcases an important part of your personality, I personally wrote about my experiences with competitive programming and some freelancing and how I had to learn to work in a team and writing clean code that is readable and merging our pieces to create functioning programs. So in any part of your coding journey did you encounter some issues or showcase a bit of personality that would be a good...

@mathgeek3 years ago [edited]

a place to ponder upon, you could also add in some experiences teaching kids etc. I would consider python a pretty versatile language for the most part so if you have time I'd definitely recommend doing some ml and data related, you could get into web.dev and make just about anything and put that in your portfolio. the options are truly endless with CS!

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Your essay is supposed to show something that is NOT on the rest of your application. Your extracurriculars will already be mentioned in the CommonApp Activities section, so take this opportunity to write about something that makes up who you are that the admissions committee has not read about yet. Maybe a memory that sparked your interest in CS. Or something completely different, if you find that to impact you and who you are today. Maybe about some values you hold dear, or someone who has had a major influence on your beliefs and personality. What are your hobbies? Who and what means the most to you? If you met a stranger and introduced yourself, you probably wouldn't say, "I'm so-and-so, and I like CS." You'd probably say something like how you're an avid baker or something! Right? Your essay just has to show the university your PERSONALITY, not necessarily your academic interests. HOWEVER, if your interest in CS contributes significantly to your personality, then, by all means, go for it! It should just flow naturally. Don't be pressured to connect it with your interests, since they will already see that in the rest of your application.

3 years ago

Hi, thank you for asking your question! I agree with everything that @messybunsandhoodies has shared in their response. Particularly, it is important to note that the Common App personal statement essay should be used as a space to express your personality and non-major-of-interest passions. You should try to win the reader over by making them feel like they know you at a personal level. Use the supplemental "Why Major?", "Why School?", and describing extracurricular essays to describe your passion for CS.

In the supplemental essays, try to write about an activity that is specific to why you are interested in CS and what drives your passions in that field. Don't just list your accomplishments -- incorporate your personality and true reasons for enjoying CS. The more of your inner thoughts you share, the higher chance you have for winning an admissions reader over.

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